



Cost Function

Optimization Function

Dataset One

Dataset Two

Results Data

How It Works

This page helps a user find visually appealing animations between circle shape data exported from Geometrize. Given two sets of exported circle shape data, which must each contain the same number of shapes, the tool finds mappings between the two sets of shapes according to the cost and optimization functions provided above.

The "step" button completes a single iteration of the optimization algorithm. The "reset" button resets all settings and data back to their defaults.

The cost and optimization functions can be changed via the preset dropdown menus, or by directly editing the hscript scripts in the text areas above.

The results data, which maps the indices of shapes in dataset one to shapes in dataset two is written to the text area above each time the algorithm steps. When there are errors that prevent the algorithm from stepping, these are reported in red next to the relevant text boxes.

Visit the Geometrize website for more information. Also see the tweens demo which uses data produced by this tool, and the Geometrize Twitter bot.

If you have suggestions, requests or comments, please open an issue or contact me.